67 research outputs found

    Iterative approach to arbitrary nonlinear optical response functions of graphene

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    Two-dimensional materials constitute an exciting platform for nonlinear optics with large nonlinearities that are tunable by gating. Hence, gate-tunable harmonic generation and intensity-dependent refraction have been observed in e.g. graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides, whose electronic structures are accurately modelled by the (massive) Dirac equation. We exploit on the simplicity of this model and demonstrate here that arbitrary nonlinear response functions follow from a simple iterative approach. The power of this approach is illustrated by analytical expressions for harmonic generation and intensity-dependent refraction, both computed up to ninth order in the pump field. Moreover, the results allow for arbitrary band gaps and gating potentials. As illustrative applications, we consider (i) gate-dependence of third- and fifth-harmonic generation in gapped and gapless graphene, (ii) intensity-dependent refractive index of graphene up to ninth order, and (iii) intensity-dependence of high-harmonic generation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Supplemental material: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Food markets visitors: a tipology proposal

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    Purpose : Focusing on food markets popularity among tourists, the purpose of this paper is to differentiate clusters of tourists based on their behaviour during their visit of these food halls

    Food Markets from a Local Dimension -La Boqueria (Barcelona, Spain)

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    Food markets build communities for people, that is, they generate footfall and bring neighborhoods to life. Consequently, they become valuable tourist resources. The success of tourist resources depends on host community support, depends on the positive and favorable opinion of residents. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test different variables (resident place image, community attachment, perceived environmental costs, perceived economic benefits and perceived socio-cultural benefits) to determine which have a direct effect on the support for tourism development, and to determine the moderator role of personal economic benefit in the proposed relationships. Results suggest that personal economic benefit plays an important moderator role between community attachment and support for La Boqueria tourism development and also between community attachment and perceived socio-cultural benefits and support for tourism development in general

    Tourism in Šumadija county in the context of sustainable development

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    Многе земље у развоју, суоченe са теретом дугова и погоршањем трговинских услова, су се окренуле промоцији туризма у нади да ће им развој туризма обезбедити приходе и нове инвестиције. Способност туризма да генерише девизне приходе, да омогући отварање нових радних места, и апсорбује незапосленост обезбеђује му политички и друштвени легитимитет. Потенцијал туризма за стварање нових радних места је такође важан, јер је незапосленост главни друштвени и економски изазов са којима се суочавају многе земље у развоју. Одрживи развој туризма је развој туризма који обезбеђује дугорочан стабилан раст u којем туристички промет не угрожава равнотежу еколошке одговорности, економске ефикасности и друштвено одговорног туризма. WTO је дефинисао одрживи развој туризма као задовољавање потреба присутних туриста и локалног становништва, уз истовремену заштиту и подстицање могућности за будућност. Одрживи развој туризма захтева менаџмент свих средстaва да би се испуниле економске и социјалне потребе уз одржавање културног интегритета и основних еколошких процеса и биолошког диверзитета. Масовност туристичких посета која настаје као последица глобализације врши притисак на основне ресурсе на којима туризма почива, пре свега кроз деградацију животне средине, због чега се јавља потреба примене концепта одрживог развоја у туристичкој делатности. Утврђивањем тренутног стања и анализом постојећих потенцијала стварају се предуслови за усмеравање будућег туристичког развоја у правцу одрживости. Шумадијски округ поседује значајне потенцијале за развој туризма захваљујући бројним природним и антропогеним туристичким вредностима. Видови туризма на које би требало обратити посебну пажњу су пословни, сеоски, транзитни, градски, вински, спортско-рекреативни, ловни, екскурзиони, бањски, културно-манифестациони и екотуризам. Разноврсност туристичких садржаја гарантује вредно туристичко искуство и конкурентан туристички производ у националним и међународним оквирима. Развој поменутих видова туризма зависи од односа који према њему имају све заинтересоване стране за његов развој, а пре свега туристичке организације и локалне власти, али зависи и од става локалног становништва. Ако се туристички развој базира на принципима одрживог развоја остварује се дугорочна корист за локалну заједницу. Научно истраживање обухвата испитивање ставова којe имају запослени у туристичким организацијама у Шумадијском округу који су важан фактор у усвајању концепта одрживог туристичког развоја, као и испитивање односа који локално становништво има према одрживом развоју туризма. Без институционалне подршке, као и без подршке локалног становништва одрживи развој туризма је скоро немогуће реализовати.Facing the burden of debt and negative trends in trading environment, many developing countries have turned to the promotion of tourism in the hope that th e development of tourism would provide income and new investments. Tourism’s ability to generate income in foreign currencies, to provide new jobs and thus absorb unemployment gives it political and social legitimacy. Tourism’s potential for providing new jobs is also significant, since unemployment is a major social and economic challenge faced by many developing countries. Sustainable development of tourism is the kind of tourism development that allows a stable long - term development without jeopardizing the balance between ecological responsibility, economic efficacy, and socially responsible tourism. Sustainable development of tourism is defined by WTO as the fulfillment of the needs of the tourists as well as of the local population, which is at the sa me time protecting and stimulating future possibilities. Sustainable development of tourism requires proper management of all resources in order to satisfy economic and social needs, and to preserve cultural integrity, basic ecological processes and biolog ical diversity. Massive scale tourism, a consequence of globalization, puts fundamental tourist resources under pressure, most significantly by degrading the environment, which brings about the need for sustainable development in tourism. By ascertainin g the present situation, and by analyzing existing potential, conditions are being met for establishing the guidelines that will help lead future tourist development towards sustainability. Due to a large number of natural and anthropogenic tourist qualit ies, Šumadija county has significant potential for tourism development. Business, country, transit, city tourism, wine, sports, hunting tourism, as well as excursion, spa, cultural, and ecotourism, are especially note - worthy in this context. Diversified to urist content guarantees valuable tourist experiences and competitive tourist product both in national and international contexts. The development of the aforementioned types of tourism depends on the attitudes of all interested parties, but primarily on t he attitudes of the tourist organization local authorities, and local population. Development of tourism based on the principles of sustainable development results in long - term benefits for the local community. The research conducted covers an analysis of the attitudes and opinions of the Šumadija county tourist organization employees (since they are an important factor in the process of acceptance of the concept of sustainable development of tourism) as well as an analysis of the attitudes of local popu lation towards sustainable development of tourism. Sustainable development of tourism is almost impossible to realize without institutional support and without the support of local population

    Revisiting revisit intention based on a rafting sporting event (EVENTQUAL)

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    Purpose – The study aims to examine the impact of service quality dimensions (based on the EVENTQUAL scale) on the revisit intention of sporting event and contrast the perception between first-time and previous participants. Design – The survey was designed to measure EVENTQUAL dimensions as independent variables (accessibility, staff, tangibles and complementary services) and revisit intention as the dependent variable. The moderating variable (type of participation) was also introduced to enable comparison between the perception of first-time (109) and previous participants (97). Methodology – The study implemented quantitative analysis, such as descriptive statistics, structural equation modelling (SEM) and multi-group SEM. Findings – The SEM findings revealed a significant positive effect of tangibles on revisit intention, while multi-group SEM results indicated the significant positive effect of tangibles on revisit intention solely for previous visitors. Originality – The study contributes to the existing knowledge by evaluating the EVENTQUAL model at a multi-site sporting event, acknowledged from the perspective of its participants. Moreover, the rafting event was observed in the context of a sporting event activity in contrast to previous literature in the context of adventure tourism

    Floquet-Bloch shifts in two-band semiconductors interacting with light

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    High-order harmonic generation from gapped graphene:Perturbative response and transition to nonperturbative regime

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    We consider the interaction of gapped graphene in the two-band approximation using an explicit time-dependent approach. In addition to the full high-order harmonic generation (HHG) spectrum, we also obtain the perturbative harmonic response using the time-dependent method at photon energies covering all the significant features in the responses. The transition from the perturbative to the fully non-perturbative regime of HHG at these photon energies is studied in detail.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Urban food markets in the context of a tourist attraction - La Boqueria market in Barcelona, Spain

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    In the last few decades, local governments have looked at developing their cities to increase their attractiveness for tourism consumption. Urban and tourism planners have focused their attention on adapting different local attractions to target the tourist visit and provide them with recreation and entertainment. By consuming locally sourced traditional or farmed products, tourists adopt the values associated with local identity codes. This experience allows tourists to enjoy the city more as if they were local citizens. In this sense, one method of behaving as a local is to visit a food market. This study investigates the attributes that affect tourist satisfaction in relation to food market visits and explores whether tourists intend to revisit these food halls. Based on a survey relating to La Boqueria, currently one of the most renowned food markets in Barcelona, three factors were identified: physical environment, location and accessibility, and price. The results reveal that physical environment is an important tourist satisfaction predictor, while price and location and accessibility influence revisit behaviour. The results also suggest differences between first-time visitors and repeat visitors related to attributes perception, while there is no statistically important difference on the path level

    Rural Tourism and Regional Development: Case Study of Development of Rural Tourism in the Region of Gruţa, Serbia

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    AbstractGeographical area of Gruţa, with its intact natural beauty and important cultural and historical monuments, has significant potential for tourism development. Local government is particularly important to tourism development and promotion in several aspects. Respondents, rural hosts from Gruţa region complained of the lack of cooperation on the part of local government. The experimental research comprises three parts; the first part includes a questionnaire that was conducted in regional and local organizations which have a decisive impact on regional economic development and tourism. The second part of the research was focusing on the basic characteristics of rural households owners. The third part includes qualitative research about rural tourist characteristics. Experimental research for this study was performed in the region of Gruţa in Central Serbia, including registered rural households that have participated in rural tourism in the last few years. Results indicate that rural home owners involved in rural tourism are members of the Tourist Organization of Knić, predominantly male, from 40 to 60 years old and they hold secondary school diplomas. The results of the research suggest that an average tourist in Gruţa is at a higher social and cultural level, with medium income and mostly coming from urban areas. This type of tourist is open to typical rural activities including sports, farm works, as well as to enjoying nature and gastronomy

    A bibliometric analysis of Crossref agritourism literature indexed in Web of Science

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    Agritourism has received growing academic attention over the recent decades. Thus, the current focus on the state of academic knowledge on agritourism provides further insight into the development of thought in the field and a better understanding of the main issues of importance for the academic community in this area. To secure the understanding of the most frequent topics within agritourism literature, the sample of 21 Crossref journals indexed in Web of Science was defined. A bibliometric and keyword analysis served as valuable instruments to assess the current trends within the topic and to predict the future direction of agritourism research. The results of the implemented analysis suggest that the scientific journal of Tourism Management is the most influential journal to spread knowledge regarding agritourism, while Carla Barbieri is recognised as the most influential author in the field. The recently increased interest in rurality on a global scale emphasises the need for more agritourism studies that will be capable of providing valuable guidelines for agritourism providers, tourists, and destination managers.Publishe